Monday, January 14, 2008

the snow and other things

i like these comics above, i recommend checking both these sites: asofterworld and xkcd, recently referred to me by a grad school pal. funny (mostly, sometimes)

for crying out loud, i cannot think of anything to blog about for the life of me. oh, i could write about the snow. about how i got caught biking in the snow for the second time this winter. but that is just lame.

my friend steff, of mindy's blog's fame, recently discovered the new digs. welcome, steff. that makes two of ya.


Rick Shaw said...

the post should have been titled: "the snow and nothing"

my apologies,

Unknown said...

If you like "A Softer World", you might also enjoy the webcomic "Tiny Ghosts", which has similar sensibilities.

Anonymous said...

hi josh.

Anonymous said...

are you really a professional athlete now, josh? that's what your profile says. if so--wow. we really have lost touch.